Mobile Communication Systems
- Course Code: 1874
- Semester: 8th
- Course Type: Specialization (SP)
- Course Category: Optional (OP)
- Scientific Field: Communications and Networks (CN)
- Lectures: 4 hours/week
- ECTS units: 6
- Course webpage:
- Teching and exams language: Greek, English
- The course is offered to Erasmus students
- Recommended prerequisite courses: (1501) Wireless Communications, (1701) Computer Networks
- Coordinator: Iosifidis Athanasios
- Instructors: Iosifidis Athanasios
Educational goals
The objective of the course is to introduce the basic concepts of mobile communication systems, their structure, their operational principles as well as their contemporary realization and future trends. By the successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
- Analyze the architecture of mobile communication systems.
- Describe the multiple access methods used in mobile communications and recognize their commonalities and differences.
- Explain the basic functionalities of mobile communication systems and identify the network elements which take part in their realization.
- Compare mobile communication systems with respect to their capacity, coverage and offered services.
- Understand and calculate basic quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of mobile communication systems.
- Use international terminology and inspect relative specifications.
General Skills
- Search, analysis and synthesis of information by using the appropriate means and technology.
- Desicion making.
- Independent and cooperative work.
- Respect to the natural environment.
- Criticism and self-criticism ability.
- Free, creative and inductive thinking.
Course Contents
Mobile communications at a glance: Evolution of mobile communication systems. Description of basic services, service categories, use cases and quality of service (QoS). Present and future with numbers. Standardization.
Basic principles, functionanlities and techniques of cellular systems: Basic network elements. Duplexing and multiple access. The concept of the cell and the cellular structure. Introduction to basic functionalities of mobile communication systems. Review of signal processing techniques.
Radio propagation and modelling in mobile communication systems.
The GSM/GPRS system: Architecture of 2G-2.5G mobile communication systems (core network, access network, control pllane and user plane). Interfaces and protocol stacks. Air interface. Radio resource management. Basic network functionalities (mobility management, access procedures, cell selection, location update, paging, connection management and handover). Principles of planning and dimensioning.
UMTS/HSPA systems: Architecture of 3G-3.5G mobile communication systems. Interfaces and protocol stacks. Air interface and CDMA. Radio resource management. Basic network functionalities. Differences with respect to 2G systems. HSPA. Principles of planning and dimensioning.
LTE/LTE Advanced systems: Architecture of 4G mobile communication systems. Evolved packet system and communication protocols. Air interface, OFDM and SC-FDMA, MIMO techniques. Radio resource management. Enhancements with respect to 3G. Advanced techniques of carrier aggregation and Intecell Intereference Coordination. Principles of planning and dimensioning.
5G mobile comunications: ITU definitions and requirements, standardization procedures. Services and use cases. Network architecture, network slicing, NFV and SDN. Multiple access techniques, multi-user MIMO and beamforming.
Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching Method
- Lectures in the classroom.
Use of ICT means
- Power point presentations.
- Moodle.
- Electronic communication with students.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 52 |
Writing and presenting compulsory work | 72 |
Individual study and analysis of literature | 56 |
Total | 180 |
Students evaluation
Ι. Final written exam (WE) (50%) that includes:
- Short answer questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Problem solving
ΙΙ. Three (3) written projects and presentations (WPP) (10%+20%+30% = 50%)
- Assigned per student.
- Require study of contemporary bibliography, writing a report of 800-100 words and presentation of 10-15 minutes.
- The subjects are determined 3 weeks prior to delivery and presentation.
The final score (WE*0,5 + WPP1*0,1 + WPP2*0,2 + WPP3*0,2) should be at least five (5).
The evaluation criteria are listed in the webpage of the course and are explained to the students in the classroom.
Recommended Bibliography
Recommended Bibliography through "Eudoxus"
- (Ελληνικά) Α. Κανάτας, Φ. Κωνσταντίνου, Γ. Πάντος, “Συστήματα Κινητών Επικοινωνιών”, Α. Παπασωτηρίου & Σια ΟΕ, 2η εκδ. 2013, ISBN: 978-960-491-086-1, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 33154041.
- Stallings and C. Beard, “Ασύρματες Επικοινωνίες, Δίκτυα και Συστήματα”, Εκδόσεις Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί ΑΕ, 2016, ISBN: 978-960-418-549-8, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 50655989.
- E. Dahlman, S. Parkvall, J. Skold, "5G NR, Ασυρματικά Δίκτυα Επικοινωνιών Πέμπτης Γενιάς", Εκδόσεις Γ.Χ. Φούντας, 2020, ISBN: 978-960-330-794-5, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 94643355
Complementary international bibliography
- F. Launay, "NG-RAN and 5G-NR: 5G Radio Access Network and Radio Interface¨, ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021, ISBN: 9781786306289.
- H. Holma, A. Toskala and T. Nakamura, "5G Technology: 3GPP New Radio", John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2020, ISBN: 9781119236283.
- S. Ahmadi, "5G NR: Architecture, Technology, Implementation, and Operation of 3GPP New Radio Standards", Elsevier Academic Press, 2019, ISBN: 9780081022672
- E. Dalhman, S. Parkvall, J Skold, 4G, “LTE-Advanced Pro and The Road to 5G”, Elsevier Academic Press, 3rd ed., 2016, ISBN: 9780128045756.
- A. Osseiran, J.F. Monserrat, P. Marsch, “5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology”. Cambridge University Press, 2016, ISBN: 9781107130098.
- S. Ahmadi, “LTE Advanced: A Practical Systems Approach to Understanding the 3GPP LTE Releases 10 and 11 Radio Access Technologies”, Elsevier Academic Press, 2014, ISBN: 9780124051621.
- F. Khan, “LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband: Air Interface Technologies and Performance”. Cambridge University Press, 2009, ISBN: 9780521882217.
Scientific journals
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Wireless Communications
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
- IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials
- IEEE Access