Application of power systems and RES


Educational goals

The aim of the course is the student to acquire the skills of analyzing and designing power electronics, with an emphasis on switching power supplies and renewable energy sources. Specific objectives of the course are for the student to be able to:

  • Analyze DC-DC converters.
  • Analyze inverters.
  • Understand photovoltaic modules and systems.
  • Design photovoltaic parks.
  • Understand wind energy conversion from wind turbines.
  • Recognize the types of geothermal energy.
  • Evaluate different types of RES.
General Skills
  • Search, analyze and synthesize data and information, using the necessary technologies.
  • Decision making.
  • Independent work.
  • Teamwork.
  • Exercising criticism and self-criticism.
  • Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking.
  • Project planning and management.

Course Contents

● DC-DC converters.
● Inverters.
● Photovoltaic modules and array.
● Photovoltaic installations.
● Wind energy conversion.
● Wind turbines.
● Geothermal.

Teaching Methods - Evaluation

Teaching Method
  • Face to face teaching.
  • Laboratory training in small groups of students.
Use of ICT means
  • Using Power Point Presentations software.
  • Using the online learning platform (moodle).
  • Contact students via email.
Teaching Organization
Activity Semester workload
Compulsory laboratory exercises26
Per week lab projects26
Study of literature102
Total 180
Students evaluation

I. Written Final Examination of Theory (ET), which is in the form of problem solving with distinct difficulty.

II. Evaluation of laboratory exercises (LAB).

The course grade is derived from equation ET * 0.6 + LAB * 0.4 and must be at least five (5.0).

The grade in each of the two assessment methods must be at least four (4.0).

Assessment criteria are notified to students on the course web site and also during lectures and labs.

Recommended Bibliography

Complementary greek bibliography
  1. (Ελληνικά) Κ. Βατάλης, “Εισαγωγή στο δίκαιο ηλεκτροπαραγωγής από ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας”, ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΣΑΚΚΟΥΛΑ ΕΕ, 1η έκδοση 2007, ISBN: 978-960-445-215-6
  2. Τσούτσος Θ., Κανάκης Ι., “Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας”, Εκδότης Α. ΠΑΠΑΣΩΤΗΡΙΟΥ & ΣΙΑ Ι.Κ.Ε., 1η έκδοση 2013, ISBN: 978-960-491-067-0
Complementary international bibliography
  1. M. R. Patel, “Wind and Solar Power Systems”, CRC Press, 2nd edition 2006, ISBN: 0-8493-1570-0.
  2. S. J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals”, McGraw-Hill, 2001, ISBN: 978-0072291353.
  3. P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, Wiley, 3rd edition 2013, ISBN: 978-1-118-07887-7.
  4. V. K. Sood, “HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems”, Springer, 2004, ISBN: 978-1-4020-7890-3.
Scientific journals
  1. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
  2. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
  3. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.