Programmable Logic Controllers
- Course Code: 1713
- Semester: 7th
- Course Type: Specialization - Skills Development (SP-SD)
- Course Category: Optional (OP)
- Scientific Field: Embedded Computation Systems (ECS)
- Lectures: 2 hours/week
- Lab teaching: 2 hours/week
- ECTS units: 6
- Course webpage:
- Teching and exams language: Greek
- The course is offered to Erasmus students
- Recommended prerequisite courses: (1711) Control Systems
- Coordinator: Papakostas Dimitrios
- Instructors: Papakostas Dimitrios, Charalampidis Charalampos
Educational goals
The aim of the course is to provide the student with a thorough introduction to theory and applications of PLC automation. To enable him to recognize and design structural elements according to international specifications, since they are the only one reliable solution in matters of automation, industrial production, offering solutions from simple applications to difficult and complex processes. Upon successful completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to:
- describe, analyze and design the basic forms of PLC automation.
- distinguish and describe the structure, architecture and functions of PLCs.
- generate code for PLC programming with various languages.
- examine and evaluate laboratory models using PC software.
- develop classical automation applications in PLC languages.
- design practical automation applications with PLC of various Industrial processes.
General Skills
- Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
- Decision making
- Teamwork
- Generating new research ideas
- Promotion of free, creative and inductive thinking
Course Contents
Historical review of PLCs.
Basic operating principles and structure of Programmable Logic Controllers.
S7-200 models with Micro-Win software, and their features.
Power supply, input-output units (Input / Output modules), Central Processing Unit (CPU) and extensions).
Advantages, disadvantages, expansion units.
Basic programming principles, characteristics and nomenclature of components – Description and explanation of commands – program structure.
Electrical diagrams (examples).
Logic principles –Gates, Counters, Timers (examples). Logic equations truth tables and logic diagrams, Description – General description of Micro/Win.
Contact diagrams (examples).
Comparative or correspondence table. Programming the S7-200.
Explanation of commands.
Commands Normally Open – Close.
Set – Reset commands.
Software PLC programming. Programming languages (Ladder Diagram).
List of commands (STL – Statement List).
Logic Gate Diagram (FBD – Function Block Diagram).
Electrical diagrams, simulation Examples – applications.
Workshop outline
Operation of the PLC.
Description of the Microwin environment Step7.
Logical truth tables and diagrams, scale-contact diagrams.
LADDER, Machine Language S.T.L (Statement List), F.B.D (Function Block Diagram)
Electrical diagrams
Program control commands.
Laboratory Application Exercises using LADDER diagrams.
Simulation of various systems with Microwin Step 7. Applying Microwin to the systems:
Crane – Liquid Level Control – Cappuccino Production System – Elevator –
Perforation system – Frost protection system for fruit carriers – Automatic system
paint – Alarm system – Conveyor belt – Home automation
various processes.
Applications of the LADDER and FBD language in the following labs units {Reaction Vessel – Pipe Bending Machine – Roll Round Device – Embossing Machine – Level Control – Starter Control}.
Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching Method
- Face-to-face theoretical teaching.
- Laboratory training in small groups of students.
Use of ICT means
- Use of electronic laboratory equipment, Electronic communication with students, electronic notes.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 26 |
Laboratory exercises | 26 |
Individual study and analysis of literature | 128 |
Total | 180 |
Students evaluation
I. Final written exams (FE) (50%) which includes:
- Short answer questions
- Solving theoretic exercises
II. Laboratory exams (LE) (50%) which includes:
- Weekly laboratory work in small groups
- Final Lab Exams
The grade of the course (FE*0.5 + LE*0.5) must be at least five (5).
The grade of the final written exams and the Laboratory exams must be at least four (4).
The evaluation criteria are accessible to students from via the online page of the course.
Recommended Bibliography
Recommended Bibliography through "Eudoxus"
- Book [18548962]: Αυτοματισμός με χρήση PLC, Μπερέτας Ιωάννης
- Book [18548924]: Προγραμματιζόμενοι ελεγκτές PLC, Collins Denis
Complementary greek bibliography
- PLC Προγραμματιζόμενοι Λογικοί Ελεγκτές (Δεύτερη Έκδοση) : ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ Α. ΠΑNΤΑΖΗΣ ΕΚΔΟΣEIΣ ‘’ΙΩΝ’’.
- Διατάξεις-Εφαρμογές Προγραμματιζόμενοι Λογικοί Ελεγκτές (PLC) ΑΥΤΟΜΑΤΙΣΜΟΙ : ΜΙΧΑΛΗ ΚΟΝΤΖΑΜΠΑΣΗ : ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ‘’ΙΩΝ’’.
- Προγραμματιζόμενοι Ελεγκτές Ένας Πρακτικός Οδηγός :DENIS COLLINS-EAMONN LANE : ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΤΖΙΟΛΑ.
- LAD FBD Σχεδίαση Εφαρμογών Αυτοματισμού με τη γλώσσα STEP 7 σε LAD και FBD
- Προγραμματιζόμενοι Ελεγκτές SIMATIC S7-300/400 (Δεύτερη Έκδοση) : HANS BERGER :ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΤΖΙΟΛΑ.
- STL SCL Σχεδίαση Εφαρμογών Αυτοματισμού με τη γλώσσα STEP 7 σε STL και SCL
- Προγραμματιζόμενοι Ελεγκτές SIMATIC S7-300/400 (Δεύτερη Έκδοση) : HANS BERGER :ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΤΖΙΟΛΑ.
Complementary international bibliography
- The PLC Workbook Programmable Logic Controllers Made Easy : K. CLEMENTS-JEWERY W. JEFFCOAT. : PRENTICE HALL
- Programmable Logic Controllers And Their Engineering Applications : ALAN J CRISPIN : McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY
Scientific journals
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering