Electronic Circuits
- Course Code: 1404
- Semester: 4th
- Course Type: Scientific Area (SA)
- Course Category: Compulsory (CO)
- Scientific Field: Electronics (EL)
- Lectures: 4 hours/week
- ECTS units: 6
- Course webpage: https://exams-iee.the.ihu.gr/course/view.php?id=20
- Teching and exams language: Greek
- Recommended prerequisite courses: (1202) Measurements and Alternating Current Circuits
- Coordinator: Chatzopoulos Argyrios
- Instructors: Papakostas Dimitrios, Chatzopoulos Argyrios
Educational goals
The main objectives of the course are: (i) to comprehend the operation of the basic electronic devices, (ii) to develop the ability to analyse and design basic discrete analogue electronic circuits.
- Recognizes, analyzes and designs how voltage sources and their signals are adapted to the various stages of an electronic circuit and breaks down the basic diode circuits.
- Recognizes the physical structure, distinguishes the operating areas and designs and evaluates the characteristic voltage-current curves of the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), draws the load line and explains and defines the operating point of the BJT, calculates the BJT DC analysis and evaluate its switching function.
- Recognizes, calculates and compares BJT polarization modes, recognizes and combines the use of BJT equivalent π and T models.
- Distinguishes the category of the circuit and calculates and judges the key sizes in BJT amplifier operation.
- Designs BJT common emitter amplifier circuits.
- Recognizes the physical structure, distinguishes the operating areas and designs and evaluates the characteristic voltage-current curves of the field-effect transistor (JFET), calculates the JFET DC current analysis, and evaluates its switching function and calculates and calculates judges the key sizes in JFET boost operation.
- Recognizes the physical structure, distinguishes operating areas, and designs and evaluates the characteristic voltage-current curves of the semiconductor metal field effect transistor (MOSFET), calculates the MOSFET DC current analysis, and evaluates its switching function and judge the interrupt function of the basic CMOS inverter.
General Skills
- Search, analyze and synthesize data and information, using the necessary technologies.
- Decision making.
- Independent work.
- Teamwork.
- Exercising criticism and self-criticism.
- Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking.
Course Contents
The course includes the following topics:
Introduction: Symbolism on electronics, Voltage source’s stiff region, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem.
Diode circuits: Diode physical structure, Ideal model, Load line and V-I characteristic, Diode circuits: clipper, clamper, peak detector, rectifier, regulators, Special purpose diodes, Zener diode.
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs): BJT physical structure, Transistor currents, Load line and V-I characteristics, DC operating point, Saturation, Transistor Switch, Biasing circuits: voltage-divider bias, two-supply emitter bias, AC models, Transistor amplifiers: common emitter, common collector (emitter follower), common base, Two stage transistor amplifiers.
Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFETs): JFET physical structure, V-I characteristics, DC operation: ohmic and active regions, JFET analog Switch, JFET amplifiers.
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFETs): MOSFET physical structure, V-I characteristics, DC operation: ohmic region, MOSFET digital Switch, CMOS.
Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching Method
- The course is developed in lectures and simulation exercises in parallel. The simulation includes experiments with electronic components circuitry development over breadboard. Oscilloscope, signal generator and power supply are used. The simulation exercises (experiments) cover the following topics: BJT’s V-I characteristics, Transistor Switch, Transistor amplifiers: common emitter, common collector (emitter follower), common base.
Use of ICT means
- Face to face teaching
- Notes and slides available in electronic form
- Use of asynchronous learning platform (Moodle)
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 52 |
Problem solving | 28 |
Circuit analysis using simulation software | 20 |
Individual study and analysis of literature | 80 |
Total | 180 |
Students evaluation
Evaluation is based on: (i) the final written exams in theory, (ii) simulation tasks evaluation and partial written exams in simulation exercises. Also, projects are available on per request basis which are accumulated over the final grade.
Recommended Bibliography
Recommended Bibliography through "Eudoxus"
- Malvino A., Bates D., "Electronic Principles", McGraw-Hill Ed.
Complementary greek bibliography
- Milman J., Grabel A., "Μικροηλεκτρονική", Εκδ. Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί , Έκδοση 2η, 2014, ISBN: 978-960-418-424-8, Κωδ. Ευδόξου 32997429.
Complementary international bibliography
- Bobrow, Funtamentals of Electrical Engineering, Oxford University Press.
- Hambley, Electronics, Prentice Hall.
Scientific journals
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement