DC Circuits
- Course Code: 1105
- Semester: 1st
- Course Type: Special Background (SB)
- Course Category: Compulsory (CO)
- Scientific Field: Electronics (EL)
- Lectures: 4 hours/week
- ECTS units: 6
- Course webpage: https://exams-iee.the.ihu.gr/course/view.php?id=29
- Teching and exams language: Greek
- Coordinator: Bamnios Georgios
- Instructors: Bamnios Georgios
Educational goals
The main objectives of the course is to provide the fundamentals of electric circuits and to develop the tools of linear circuit analysis. Another objective is to prepare students to take some more advanced courses in the area of circuits and electronics. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to do the following:
- Identify and describe the basic components of electric circuits and combine them to design simple electrical circuits.
- Identify and explain the different types of source and resistor connections.
- Apply Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws to simple and complex circuits and produce the basic equations that describe their function.
- Calculate the required values of current or voltage in a circuit, by using systematic methods (mesh analysis), superposition, source transformation and the Wye-Delta transformations.
- Calculate Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits and design circuits to provide maximum power to a load.
- Evaluate each circuit and compare the different techniques with which it can be resolved.
General Skills
- Search, analysis and synthesis of information by using the appropriate means and technology.
- Desicion making.
- Independent and cooperative work.
- Respect to the natural environment.
- Criticism and self-criticism ability.
Course Contents
- Fundamentals of electric circuits.
- Electricity, electric charge, Coulomb’s law, electric field, potential difference.
- Electric current, electric circuit, voltage. Kirchhoff’s Laws.
- Resistors, Ohm’s Law, ideal independent and dependent sources. Source transformation.
- Series and parallel resistors, open circuit and short circuit, voltage and current divider, connection of sources, Millman’s Theorem.
- Mesh Analyses and mesh analysis by inspection.
- Circuit theorems: superposition, source transformation, Wye-Delta transformations.
- Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, maximum power transfer, reciprocity theorem.
Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching Method
- Lectures.
Use of ICT means
- Power point presentations.
- Moodle.
- Electronic communication with students.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 52 |
Individual study and analysis of literature | 128 |
Total | 180 |
Students evaluation
Final exam (written) that includes short answer questions and circuit solving questions.
Recommended Bibliography
Recommended Bibliography through "Eudoxus"
- Α. Alexander C., Sadiku M., “Ηλεκτρικά Κυκλώματα”, Εκδόσεις Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί Α.Ε., 4η Έκδοση, 2012, ISBN: 978-960-418-262-6, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 18548946.
- Β. Χατζαράκης Γεώργιος Ε., “Ηλεκτρικά Κυκλώματα”, Εκδόσεις Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί Α.Ε., 3η Έκδοση, 2014, ISBN: 978-960-418-416-3, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 41954924.
- Γ. Hayt William H., Kemmerly Jack E., Durbin Steven, “Ανάλυση ηλεκτρικών κυκλωμάτων”, ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ Α. ΤΖΙΟΛΑ & ΥΙΟΙ Α.Ε, 8η Έκδοση, 2014, ISBN: 978-960-418-437-8, Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 33094735.
Complementary greek bibliography
- Ν.Ι. Μάργαρης, "Ανάλυση Ηλεκτρικών Κυκλωμάτων", Εκδόσεις Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί, 2010. ISBN 9789604182022.
Complementary international bibliography
- Α. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electric Circuits Fundamentals”, Pearson, 8th Ed., 2009, ISBN 978-0135072936.
- Β. John O’Malley, “Schaum's Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis”, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed., 2011, ISBN: 978-0071756433.