Electronic Physics
- Course Code: 1104
- Semester: 1st
- Course Type: Special Background (SB)
- Course Category: Compulsory (CO)
- Scientific Field: Generic Knowledge and Skills (GKS)
- Lectures: 4 hours/week
- ECTS units: 6
- Course webpage: https://exams-iee.the.ihu.gr/course/view.php?id=43
- Teching and exams language: Greek
- Coordinator: Marmorkos Ioannis
- Instructors: Marmorkos Ioannis
Educational goals
To introduce students to the basic physical principles, which are neseccary to understand the fundamental structure, the architecture and operation of modern electronic devices and systems.
- To analyze the physical laws depicting the operational principles of various electronic devices and systems
- To describe the physics of the electromagnetic phenomena encooooounter in modern electronic devices and systems
- To be able to develop the proper methodology for the study of electronic systems in accordance with the principles of modern physics.
- To compare and calculate the behavior of simple physical systems of interest to an electronic engineer
- (Ελληνικά) Να κατανοεί τους βασικούς νόμους του ηλεκτρομαγνητισμού, της κυματικής οπτικής και της σύγχρονης φυσικής που είναι απαραίτητοι για να αξιολογεί τους ποσοτικούς και ποιοτικούς δείκτες λειτουργίας διαφόρων ηλεκτρονικών συστημάτων.
- (Ελληνικά) Να αναγνωρίζει τη διεθνή ορολογία που διέπει τα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά και κυματικά φαινόμενα της σύγχρονης φυσικής.
General Skills
- Decision making
- Working independently
- Group working
- Develop a free and creational thinking
Course Contents
Electric charge and electric field, Gauss law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, storing of electrical energy. Electric current, electric resistance, Ohm;s law. Magnetism, sources of magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, electromagnetic oscillations, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves Light: reflection and refraction, Snell’s law. Wave nature of light: interference, diffraction, Huygen’s principle, polarization of light. Principles of quantum theory, Atomic models, basic principles of quantum mechanics, molecules and solids. Elements of nuclear physics, radiation, nuclear energy.
Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching Method
- Classroom lecturing, meetings with students to discuss questions and solve problems
Use of ICT means
- Lecture Notes and power point slide presentations available in electronic form (in greek).
- Use of an asynchronous learning platform (Moodle).
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 52 |
Individual study and analysis of literature | 128 |
Total | 180 |
Students evaluation
Final written exam in class
Recommended Bibliography
Recommended Bibliography through "Eudoxus"
- Giancoli C. Douglas, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", 4th Edition, 2008.
- Hans C. Ohanian,, "Physics for Engineers and Scientists”, Norton publishers. 2007.
- R.Serway & J.Jewet , "Physics for Scientists and Engineers": 9th edition, 2013
- Halliday David, Resnick Robert, Walker Jearl, "Fundamentals of Physics”, 10th edition, 2013.
Complementary greek bibliography
- (Ελληνικά) ΟΙ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΦΥΣΙΚΗΣ ΤΟΥ FEYNMAN (ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΜΑΓΝΗΤΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΥΛΗ)Τόμος Β’, εκδ. Τζιόλα, ISBN: 978-960-418-181-0
- Knight D. Randall, "Φυσική για Επιστήμονες και Μηχανικούς. Τόμος ΙΙ: Κύματα-Οπτική-Ηλεκτρικό & Μαγνητικό Πεδίο", Εκδ. Ιων, 2004, ISBN 978-960-319-306-7
Scientific journals
- American Journal of Physics
- Physics Today
- Physics World