one6G Summit 2024 – Join us for an amazing 6G experience

★ one6G Summit 2024 ★

Just 3 hours for the one6G Summit 2024 edition to start (Sept. 5th and 6th) @Valencia (Spain), co-located with IEEE PIMRC 2024!

With 6 🎤 technical sessions, 35 🥇 distinguished 🎙️ speakers and 10 🛠️demos and proof of concepts, it's a unique occasion to get updated on latest advancements on 6G research, experimentation, upcoming standards and regulations.


You are very welcome to attend the Panel discussion in Session 2: Global 6G development – Part II @16:30–18:00. More details are found below:

Distinguished Panelists:

– Issam Toufik, CTO, ETSI; Head, 3GPP Mobile Competence Center

(6G: 3GPP & ETSI standardization updates)

– Monique Calisti, CEO, Martel Innovate; President, Digital for Planet

(6G for society and environment – how to get there?)

– David Lund, President, PSCE; Coordinator, BroadEU.Net

(BroadEU.Net: Realizing the European Critical Communication System)

– Elena Diez Lorenzana, Senior Manager Corporate Strategy, Telefonica

(Telecom operator’s view on the next generation mobile communication technologies – opportunities (and challenges)

– Nancy Alonistioti, Chair, one6G; Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

(Together, we shape 6G)

– Nigel Jefferies, Chairman, Wireless World Research Forum

(6G: Universal communications and more)


Periklis Chatzimisios, Vice-Chair, one6G WG1; Professor, International Hellenic University


Full agend of one6G Summit 2024:

#one6G #one6GSummit #6G #research #technology #experimentation #demos #PoC #Sustainable #Verticals #Digitalisaion in #europe #EU #Valencia #Spain
